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Writer's pictureElena Polczynski

I created this infographic from scratch using Canva. My influence was the colors of the Yemeni flag. I wanted to represent the major actors in the conflict so that someone who was interested in the conflict could have general information.

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Writer's pictureElena Polczynski

I created this newsletter as a way for UNICEF to tell their donors, and sponsors news about Yemen and UNICEF's work over that month. The COVID-19 vaccinations being received in Yemen is actual news and the rest of the quotes are fabricated for purpose of example.

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Writer's pictureElena Polczynski

I wrote this backgrounder as a way to provide publics with an understanding of both UNICEF, the conflict in Yemen and how UNICEF provides humanitarian assistance within the country. This would be an example of something you would find in a media kit or sent to reporters to assist in their coverage of UNICEF.

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